FATHERS for EQUAL RIGHTS the National Organization
Supporting parents in maintaining meaningful relationships with their children through education.
Our Sincerest Purpose in life and our calling is for Fathers for Equal Rights to be dedicated to supporting and educating individuals navigating divorce or separation. Our goal is to help you understand and protect your rights in family and domestic matters.
Our mission is to promote the belief that both parents play an essential role in a child’s life and to ensure that all parents have a fair opportunity to maintain meaningful relationships with their children, regardless of marital status or family structure. We are committed to providing education and support to families, advocating for the importance of children being raised and nurtured by both parents.
We has officially submitted registration as a non-profit organization, once state approval is received, membership donations will be tax-deductible.

Years of Experience
Children Reunited
Membership Benefits Overview
Join us to protect your rights and maintain
meaningful relationships with your children.

Educational Resources Available
Access valuable information see what motions others have created effectively online Access "Coming Soon" $200. For 6 months.
90 Days of Membership
Budget Membership is now available for 90 days for only $125. Is Joining this group the right thing for me to do? Call our volunteers anytime access to hope and a road map of understanding with any or our board of Directors or previous clients. Connect with others facing similar challenges and share experiences for mutual support.
Annual Membership Fee
Become a member for just $365 a year and gain essential resources.